36"S Sombrero Pkg (1 count) Betallic Log in for pricing Betallic brand. 36" diecut.Can be filled with either helium or air.2 Sides packaged1 count 15438
36"S Hungry Caterpillar Pkg (1 count) Betallic Log in for pricing Betallic brand.36 inches2 sided.Can be filled with either helium or air.Self Sealing. packaged1 count. 35597p
39"S Caterpillar Multi Pkg (1 count) Betallic Log in for pricing Betallic brand. 39" die cut. 2 sided.Can be filled with either helium or air.Self Sealing.1 count. 25391p
Tassel Small 8" Rainbow Multi Color Pkg (1 count) SKD Log in for pricing Approx. 8 inches long. 12 tassels per strand1 count.Balloon not included smtasrainbow